Please complete & send to this registration form . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full Name : __________________________________________________________________________ Address : __________________________________________________________________________ e-mail : __________________________________________________________________________ Please select one or more of the following options : ___ I want to register TurboIRC ® Client ( includes TurboIRC , Chess, TXVoice ) Cost : $30 ___ I want to register TurboIRC ® NickServ & MemoServ . Cost : $50 ___ I want to register TurboIRC ® ChanServ . Cost : $50 In order to your registration application will be accepted , you have to agree with the following terms : Registration of TurboIRC Client , NickServ & MemoServ or ChanServ does not mean that you own these programs . You are not allowed to modify any part of them without my written license. I have the right to revoke any time the registration and return your money back , for any reason , and for no reason , and at any time . I have the right to stop or delay the registration process . The terms found in REGISTER.HTM ( in your help directory under TurboIRC ) must be followed in order to install the NickServ & MemoServ , or ChanServ in your network . Your TurboIRC registration information will be not transferred to anyone . TurboIRC registers with a secret server your information . You are not allowed to give the registered version of TurboIRC to anyone . Your version of TurboIRC has a unique registration number that will be checked each time you load it , so it will just won't work if you give your version to another one . ___ Yes , I accept these terms and I will send cash or a payable-to-you check in this address : Chourdakis Michael St. Paraskeyis 61 18539 Piraeus - Athens GREECE Only cash and payable checks are accepted , and only in US $ . Please select your delivery - way : ___ I want the full package of TurboIRC so I will reinstall it . ___ I want only the EXE files that are registered , why need to re-download the rest of files ? Date : - - Signature : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chourdakis Michael , © 1998 - All rights reserved .